Automated forex trading?

Three tech geeks claim they have invented the ultimative 100% automated forex money machine, the first self updating real money trading robot that is proven to be profitable in every market condition. They've got live proof of a $5100 deposit turning into $42500 on autopilot.

See the magic unfold in front of your eyes in this video:

Yes, Automated Forex trading is possible! And YOU could do it too!

As you are reading this blog, the robot is actually producing real cash for many, many has been for many years and it continues to nail trade after trade profitably, accurately and most importantly....HANDS FREE!

FAP Turbo isn’t just a great trading product, it’s a complete income solution.

The biggest problems people have when searching for an income solution are that they don't have the required amount of time and/or money to invest in order to achieve success (or find something that actually WORKS!).

There is no other income opportunity on this planet that:

1. Requires so little of your investment (can start with as little as $50),

2. Requires absolutely no time commitment (set it...forget it!), and

3. Results can be seen and ENJOYED within minutes of starting.

Click here to download the software!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Isn't it a nightmare opening a Forex account? And what about how much money I need to open an account?

Opening an account couldn’t be easier. fap turbo guides you through the exact steps to get started with our personal Forex brokerage (if you want...or chose ANY other broker), and you can start with literally any amount! Some brokers out there will even let you start trading with as little $1.

There's even video tutorials and a support telephone hotline to guide you all along the way!

Q: Is it possible to make money on a day when the market falls badly?

Fap turbo focuses on small movements in the market that are going to occur regardless of whether or not the markets crash or the economy is in recession. It places "sell" orders as well and capitalizes on falling market movements. Regardless where the economy is heading - You profit!

Q: "Do I need to have any technical knowledge or prior experience for this to work for me?"

Automated trading does not required advanced knowledge of the Forex market. All you need to do is to open a brokerage account, fund it and install the robot. We provide the detailed guide and video tutorials how to do it so you don't have any problems along the way.

Q: Does the Robot have to trade every single day for it to work well? Do I have to do anything at all?

Fap Turbo decides when the markets are hot and when a trade opportunity presents itself. YOU do not have to do absolutely anything. Simply leave your machine on and watch the robot do its magic!

Q: How does the system operate and what does it include?

As soon as you sign-up for fap turbo you’ll receive your very own welcome package and access to your VIP Members area. From here you’ll be given your unique license key for the robot. As soon as the robot is installed on your computer, you’re ready to follow the step-by-step training instructions and set yourself on the path to success.

Once you've absorbed all you need to know, just sit back, relax and watch as your robot goes to work for you!

Q: Can anyone do this?

If you have a computer with Internet access and can understand simple instructions then YES you can do this!

Simply follow the Step by Step instructions in the VIP members area and start making money!
This opportunity is available to EVERYONE.

This is a rock solid way to make money online. The Forex market will always be profitable, so you'll always have a way to make money from home! Just check out some of the testimonials to see what other members have said about this exclusive opportunity.

Q: What qualities do I need in order to use the Robot?

All you need to have is the will to succeed. Nothing else matters. If you treat this as a serious business opportunity you will make the sort of money you have seen us making throughout the website.

Q: Is there a contact number I can call, should I need some additional help?

You bet. Our customer support team are always on hand to answer your questions.
(Altough we doubt you could ever have any since its such a simple setup process!)

Click here to download the software!

Monday, March 26, 2012

How does Fap Turbo Make Money?


I am considering getting the forex robot trader called fap turbo, it trades in the forex market for you. I just want to know exactly where the money it makes would be coming from. Would it be through interest? Is it anything like trading shares?


Automated opens closes trades based loosely on trend direction.
However If you had a trading system/robot that was right 7 out 10 times would you bundle it up, market it and then spend enormous time trying to sell it for a few hundred bucks? No, because you would be busy trading it.
Ask simple questions before investing on any system/robot.
1) Whats your refund rate? Major question! What are refund terms 30 days, 60 days? You reckon you will know how successful a robot is after 30 days?
2) What brokers, if any, allow use of said automated robots? Some Brokers won't, some platforms can't.
3) What markets does it trade and time frames involved?
4) Profit history - Is this Hypothetical, Simulated over what time period months, years? Trending markets, ranging markets?
5) Small print small print small print Past performance etc
6) Is it bait and run? i.e 'limited number' once sold, sellers gone..
7) Support Technical help etc

look to the forums, looks to research its all out there!